Thursday, 17 September 2009

Offended By Verbatim Reporting? Go F--- Yourself!

Fox 5 anchor Ernie Anastos stuns viewers with four-letter 'chicken' gaffe - Telegraph

It's not the story, or the reporting of it. They're fine.

It's the"f---ing".

Even at the end, right next to "plucking".

The Telegraph fears - no doubt rightly - that some readers will be offended by the word "fucking", even in a story about a man saying the word "fucking".

It believes - wrongly - that these people should be protected from the profound psychological consequences of choosing to read a story with the phrase "four-letter" in the headline.

So, who's chicken now?

Friday, 4 September 2009

You Couldn't Make Littlejohn Up

It's been covered better elsewhere, but I can't ignore Richard Littlejohn's Mail Online piece that takes a snide pop at a black single mother.

"There’s no mention of a Mr Pong, or any father’s name for that matter. "
- Richard Littlejohn

Note the oh-so-clever plausibly deniable racism.

The punchline? Oh yes. The mother is a labrador!

Yes, the country is being overrun by a tide of workshy immigrant puppies. What? Littlejohn shot first and asked questions later? Surely not?

Well, no - as usual, he just shot. The only development is that he shot this particular load over the wrong species.

All together now; "You Couldn't Make It Up!"